Javelin the fastest-growing community for volleyball in North America! Our app connects you with local volleyball players & allows you to join our weekly volleyball drop ins, training sessions, and tournaments!
30,000+ players
90+ games each week
10+ locations across the GTA
6 skill levels available
Volleyball is more than just a sport. It's a lifestyle. Volleyball brings people together like no other sport can. Our goal is to make volleyball accessible to everyone, creating opportunities for players of all skill levels to connect and enjoy the game together. We want to see volleyball courts filled with laughter, high-fives, and teamwork, where every player feels welcomed and valued.
We initially built Javelin because we saw a rising issue with human health in North America. We wanted to provide people a way to play a fun social activity, while helping them live healthier and more fulfilling lives... and what better sport is there to do that other than volleyball!
Our goal is to help unite people through volleyball and to foster a community where everyone can enjoy the game and have fun, regardless of their skill level.
At Javelin, we want to build a community where you can have fun, socialize, and play some damn good volleyball.