Javelin in-app images

What is Javelin?

Javelin the fastest-growing community for volleyball in Toronto. Our app connects you with local volleyball players & allows you to join our weekly volleyball drop ins, training sessions, and tournaments!
Google play store

Our Vision

"Making volleyball a part of your lifestyle."

Volleyball is more than just a sport. It's a lifestyle. Volleyball brings people together like no other sport can. Whether it's the heart-stopping rallies, the huddles after each play, or the efforts of each teammate keeping the ball alive, volleyball is a sport you can't play alone.

Javelin initially launched with the goal of helping people connect after the lockdown. Since then, we’ve been one of the fastest growing volleyball communities in Toronto and we hope to build a community where you can have fun, socialize, and play some damn good volleyball!

King's Court Group
A women's only volleyball team after winning a game
Group picture of all the attending volleyball players.
Player about to spike

We Believe There is a Perfect Volleyball Game For Everyone...

We help you find that game.

At Javelin, we want to build a community where you can have fun, socialize, and play some damn good volleyball.

Learn how Javelin helps you play volleyball and how we categorize the skill levels in our games to give you the best volleyball drop in experience possible!

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Why is our name Javelin?

At Javelin, we have always strived to incorporate a sense of community and fun into all our games. Through sport, we are able to create a space for people to come out, meet other players, and take a break from their busy lives to enjoy some time with friends.

The javelin throw was one of the first events held in the original Greek Olympics over 2000 years ago. These original games were filled with passion, community, and most importantly, the love of sports. Our vision represented these same values, and as the Javelin throw resembled the same motion as one of the fundamental moves in volleyball, Javelin was born.

Get the #1 Drop In Volleyball App in Toronto

Ready to start your drop in volleyball journey?
Get the Javelin App today and discover a range of local drop in volleyball games in Toronto