Recreational games are all about enjoying the sport in a fun, social setting. They're a fantastic way to meet new friends, stay active, and share good vibes on and off the court! We welcome everyone to join, and to ensure everyone has a great time, we ask that participants have the basic ability to: serve, underhand pass or bump, and overhand set or volley. If you're new to volleyball, we encourage you to join a beginner-recreational training session to learn the sport!
At Javelin, our weekly drop-in volleyball games are designed to provide you with good games with good people. The roster, available positions, and competitiveness can vary from week to week. Our recreational games have a focus on socializing, while our intermediate+ games are for players looking for a more competitive experience.
Player Expectations
All attending players MUST be 18+ to play. Please ensure you understand and meet the skill level required for this volleyball game. This can be found below. Any player below the skill level will be asked to leave. This is a drop-in volleyball game which means the players, the positions available, and the competitiveness will vary from week to week. Remember to always respect your fellow players, the equipment, and the facility you are playing in.
Game Format
A Javelin game host will facilitate the session and play with you! Three teams of six, two teams play and one rests each game. Games go to 21 points, win by 2, capped at 25. The sitting team will keep track of scores. The first 12 players ready will play first. At the end of the first game, the winning team stays on the court. Teams rotate to play two games and then sit one game for the rest of the session. Net size will be co-ed (2.33m).
Where You'll Be Playing At
Javelin Games FAQ
About Javelin
Javelin is a platform that connects volleyball players to local drop-in games, clinics, tournaments, and other players! Javelin's goal is to make volleyball more accessible for everyone in the GTA and beyond. Sign up for the Javelin Volleyball App today on the App Store or Google Play!
What Does Javelin Do?
Javelin organizes multiple indoor volleyball drop-ins, training sessions, and tournaments every week in the Greater Toronto Area. Learn more about what we do here.
How to Get the Most out of Javelin
Auto-signup at checkout on the Javelin app to automatically join the game every week and receive a 5% discount. You can also become a Javelin+ member for $3.99/month for an additional 10% discount.
Tryouts Overview
Players are placed in tryouts at the high recreational level and above. During tryouts, players may receive one of the following outcomes: Pass, Hold, Fail. For more information please check out our skill level page.
Payments & Cancellation Policy
When you book a spot at a Javelin game we place a hold on your card that will be processed a few hours before the game starts. You can cancel your attendance up to 4 hours before the game starts. If you cancel your attendance at a game you will not be charged however, it may take up to a week for the hold on your card to be cleared.
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