4 Health Benefits of Playing Volleyball

April 12, 2024

Besides being a whole lot of fun, volleyball has a range of other benefits too. Generally speaking, we know it keeps us in shape and helps us lose weight and gain muscle, but what else is there? Truth is, volleyball has a myriad of health benefits and Javelin Sports has done the research to list some of the top health benefits reported by volleyball players.

Interested in finding volleyball games or training sessions in your local area? Check out the Javelin App today and explore a wide array of volleyball games and tournaments for all skill levels or check out our training sessions to get live insight into volleyball best practices for beginner players.

1. Volleyball Improves Your Sleep 

Okay maybe this one is a bit obvious too, playing a high-intensity sport like volleyball tires you out, which in turn helps you get better sleep at night, but the correlation between volleyball and sleep goes a bit deeper than that. 

Volleyball is a great way to escape from everyday life, whether it be work, school, or family, there are stressors in our lives that can be hard to get away from. Volleyball provides you with both an opportunity to be in a separate space from your stressors and also to work out any negative energy you might have. Volleyball and other recreational sports can be seen as your “Third Place”, somewhere outside of your home or work that you go frequently to unwind and relax. 

The stress outlet that volleyball players have allows them to sleep better each night, not only are they getting a workout, but they’re also getting the opportunity to work through their emotions, spend time with friends, and take a break from their problems which is one of the leading causes of insomnia. 

2. Volleyball Makes Your Heart Stronger

Some people love volleyball so much that it actually makes their heart stronger. Okay, that’s a bit of a stretch, i’m not sure we have the science to support that claim, but playing any high endurance sport is a great way to strengthen your heart muscles. Jumping, diving, moving around on the court, all these activities elevate your heart rate, making your heart beat faster and stronger allowing for more blood flow to your muscles and lungs. In the long term, strengthening your heart muscle can help reduce risks like heart disease and heart attacks. 

Other benefits of exercise/strengthening your heart muscle include: 

  • Lowering blood pressure and triglycerides (a type of fat in the blood)
  • Raising HDL (high-density lipoproteins) (“good”) cholesterol levels
  • Reducing the risk of overweight and obesity, when combined with a reduced-calorie diet
  • Maintaining a healthy weight over time once you have lost weight
  • Helping your body manage blood sugar and insulin levels, which lowers your risk for type 2 diabetes
  • Reducing levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), which is a sign of inflammation and an increased risk of heart disease
  • Possibly helping you quit smoking, which is a major risk factor for heart disease

3 & 4 Volleyball Reduces Stress & Improves Your Mental Health

When you are physically active, you are giving your mind a well-deserved break from the effects of daily stress. Physical exercise has been scientifically proven to be a mental stress reliever while increasing feelings of pleasure and happiness through the release of endorphins. These endorphins give you more energy, focus, and determination for whatever tasks you have to do next.  

Playing volleyball isn't just a fantastic way to stay physically fit; it's also a wonderful booster for your mental health! When you dive into a game of volleyball, you're not only working out your body but also giving your brain a joyful jolt. The sport encourages teamwork and communication, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie among players. This sense of community is a powerful antidote to feelings of isolation or loneliness, which can often weigh heavily on our mental well-being.

Moreover, volleyball requires concentration and strategic thinking, which means it's not just your body that's getting a workout - your brain is, too. This mental engagement can help clear your mind of daily stresses, providing a form of meditation in motion. Plus, the physical activity involved in playing volleyball stimulates the release of endorphins, those feel-good chemicals that boost your mood and create a natural high. So, by jumping into a game of volleyball, you're not only setting yourself up for some fun but also contributing to a happier, healthier mind.

The benefits of playing volleyball extend far beyond the surface-level enjoyment of the game. As we’ve uncovered, volleyball offers profound health advantages, from improving sleep quality and strengthening the heart to reducing stress and enhancing mental health. Each serve, spike, and dive on the volleyball court contributes not just to physical fitness but also to a more balanced and fulfilling life. Whether you're looking to boost your physical health, find a stress-relieving outlet, or simply enjoy the camaraderie of team sports, volleyball is a fantastic option. 

Looking for an easy way to find pickup volleyball games? Javelin is the easiest way to find volleyball pickups near you!

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